How to listen free streaming music

How to listen free streaming music

03 Novembre 2018

These days we are hearing a lot about the music streaming service, Spotify which has blocked accounts from accessing unauthorized applications. Here are solutions to keep listening to your favorite music!

By restoring your Spotify account

Spotify is a streaming service on phones, tablets and PCs.
If you have a free account only on tablets and PCs, you can choose the song you want to listen to.
To have the premium features you need pay the subscription of   9.99 euro.

To all users who used apk al instead of the original app, an email has arrived notifying them of some abnormal activity in their account.  
If this has happened to you too, don't worry!

To unlock the account you need follow these simple steps:

  1. Uninstall and delete the apk or pirated version of the app;

  2. Install the original application from   Play Store;

  3. Log in with your account.

By doing this you will have "unlocked" your account.

Using the Deezer app

Deezer is an app downloadable from P. lay Store very similar to Spotify.
If you have a free account you will have to be satisfied with the random choice of the song otherwise you will have to pay the monthly subscription of 9.99 euros.

Using SoundCloud

SoundCloud is a site which allows musicians to collaborate, promote and distribute their music.
The app is downloadable from the Play Store and is completely free.

Using Stream Hub

Stream Hub is an application downloadable from Play Store completely free.
It allows you to choose the song you want to listen to from a fairly large library.
There are no subscriptions and you don't need to create an account.

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